So I have been away from social media for the past few weeks dealing with court and other personal matters. I have been searching information on discrimination law suits and reading about outcomes and other fact-based information. I have also been reading through the comments sections that are always found at the bottom of internet articles.
The internet is a wonderful place to share ideas, talk about what bothers us, and vent our frustrations. The internet is also a dark place filled with ignorant ideas and snippets that may look good or sound snazzy but which one would not dare to let fall from their lips around their "In Real Life" acquaintances. Or possibly a platform for us to listen to the outbursts from individuals who cause their own family and friends to shake their heads and offer apologetic looks when those outbursts have been expressed in their company.
I know that there are people out there who are greedy, misguided, ignorant, or looking for an "easy way out" and decide that claiming a disability and attempting a lawsuit is appropriate for them when their situation clearly dictates otherwise. I know that this causes unfavorable opinions upon anybody who claims a disability and files a complaint or lawsuit. I know that people say very ignorant things on the internet because that is why the internet exists. While I am reading those ignorant things, my anger is usually placed on the people who attempt to scam the system. My fear that this process will be fruitless has grown steadily larger and I wonder what I will do if my claims are not taken seriously. My goal is not to receive a large sum of money, but to be able to go back to work, be successful in my career field, and not exist in a hostile and demeaning environment.
At the same time I wonder how I would ever be able to go back now, after years of being made the fool and earning the contempt of my coworkers. Years of having managers who talk about me negatively with other employees, punish the employees who associate with me, and get other employees to lie about their experiences. I look at how many of these cases are lost or deemed 'frivolous' and wonder how many of them have been fighting a stacked deck? When you can take and employee who has previously messed up and given them a chance to redeem themselves by lying under oath or when you just do not have enough proof... It is not as though any of the individuals who threaten or harass you are going to admit to it and whose word gets heeded?
Then at the end of the day you have the average tax payer who sees these law suits as a cost they ultimately pay and the payout as their hard-earned money. I am not so naive that I do not understand that a business's expenses are paid by its consumers nor do I believe that legal fees and settlement money grow on trees.
I think the most frustrating part of this whole ordeal is that I do not want to sue, I do not want to go to court, I did not, initially, want or need money from my company... I just wanted a simple, free, easy accommodation which was in line with the privileges afforded to my coworkers. I wanted my demerits removed from my file and I wanted a good reference if I decided to go to a different firm. That was never going to happen. Who would hire an employee who was fired with a number of demerits? How do I obtain employment on-par with my previous employment or in my career path? I have monthly bills and an education to pay for... I am a good worker, smart, friendly, and kind. However, I currently cannot get a job comparable to where I worked. I have lost wages from that company for suspensions and other unpaid leave. I have suffered and experienced pain from working there and dealing with the different things I bore while there.
I also have experienced lost wages since I cannot obtain comparable employment.
I get so frustrated because I have seen so many people who struggle under discrimination [or just under managers who are complete douche bags] but do not fight it either because they feel it is better not to [something I do not entirely disagree with] or because they tried and lost and are now even worse off.
It is hard to be where I am, it is hard to be suing an employer, but it is also hard to be that employee who suffers while everyone watches and makes their opinions. Everyone seems to think that since management is not changing anything or supporting the employee that means that the employee is in the wrong and a problem. It is easier to turn your back on one uncooperative employee than to try and understand or stand up for an individual who needs assistance. I understand that there are worthless people who attempt to take advantage of the system, but I also know that there are good people who are kept from getting ahead or succeeding because managers are people too. People are flawed and make mistakes.
When a company will not follow the law and chooses to degrade one individual till they are gone instead of spending far less time, effort, and money helping that one individual succeed, what in the world is that person supposed to do to put their life back together?
The whole situation is biggeldy-puck and so the answer is probably equally biggeldy-puck. Does not make it right, but maybe it levels it out just a bit. If someone is mad because they have to 'foot the bill' the target should not be the individual who is suing, but instead the company/manager who created the situation that resulted in a suit.